It is with great pleasure that I announce the 1st Online
Nail It Nail Art Competition in conjunction with The McGrath Foundation
Pretty in Pink
Nail It Nail Art Competition in conjunction with The McGrath Foundation
Pretty in Pink
Beginning Monday 27th August 9am to Monday 19 November 2012 – 12 weeks
Entry is FREE
* But a voluntary donation to The McGrath Foundation for Breast Cancer research, with each entry is requested. A minimum donation would be appreciated even if on $2.00
* Please make donations to “Nail It” Through Bank deposit with YOUR NAME in the description line. After you donate you MUST email nailitbeauty@gmail.con with your Name, Address, Phone & $$ amount to go in the draw to win PASSION.
* This account has been opened for this competition and used only for donations.
BSB: 082 738 ACC: 12 891 7416 so we can track how much money we raise.
Non Profit. Voluntary donation only.
* FOR NON-NAIL TECHNICIAN DONATIONS of $15 or more, until the end of the competition, will go into a draw to WIN “PASSION” A Re-Born Baby by world renowned artist Andama Dujon.